Management Accounting

Accounting Equation

Accounting Equation Learning Objective: Define and explain accounting equation. Give an example of accounting equation. Definition and Explanation of Accounting Equation: Dual aspect may be stated as “for every debit, there is a credit.” Every transaction should have twofold effect to the extent of

Bookkeeping Versus Accounting

Bookkeeping Versus Accounting: Learning Objectives: What is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting? There is some confusion over the difference between bookkeeping and accounting. This is due to the fact that two are related and there is no universal accepted line of demarcation between


Bookkeeping: After studying this chapter you should be able to: Introduction: The need for a system by which man might keep a record of his business transactions with his fellowmen was felt early in the history of civilization. Many and varied methods were used

Causes of Depreciation

Causes of Depreciation: Learning Objectives: What are the causes of definition? The main causes of depreciation may be divided into two categories, namely: Internal Cause and External Causes Internal Causes: Depreciation which occurs for certain inherent normal causes, is known as internal depreciation. The
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